Columbia University, Computer Science
Department Columbia University, Computer Science Department

Team Project 3, Due March 22

Reference: An Algorithm for Planning Collision-Free Paths Among Polyhedral Obstacles by Lozano-Perez and Wesley.

Part I: Write a progam to do 2-D collision-free motion planning. Your program will take as input a set of ordered vertices of convex polygons which represents a set of obstacles in your world, along with a polygon representing the boundary (walls) of the environment. You will grow the obstacles by the size of the PER robot using the reflection algorithm and the convex hull algorithm discussed in class. Then, given an arbitrary start and end point in this environment, create a Visibility graph on these grown obstacles, and search it using Dijkstra's algorithm to find a safe, collision free path. Your JAVA program should use the provided framework to render all of the following:

Note your program should create a safe path (if one exists) for any file of obstacles we give you, not just the test case.

Part II: Use your solution to generate path commands to have your PER robot follow the solution. We will set up an obstacle course and see which group's solution is the best: fastest and collision free.


Provided Material:

In case you wish to create your own obstacle files for debugging, the obstacle file format is as follows
Similarly, the start/goal file format is:

To allow your team to focus on the algorithmic aspects of the assignment, a GUI and basic framework is being provided to facilitate the loading of the files and rendering of the GUI.

Figure 1: PERPathPlannerMainUI

Figure 1 shows the provided GUI rendering each stage of the path planning:
  1. Original Obstacles (plus wall boundary) & Start and End Points
  2. Grown Obstacles
  3. Visibility Graph
  4. Shortest Path
The code being provided loads the obstacles and start/goal points. Once you implement the required algorithms and calculate the grown obstacles, visibility graph, and shortest path, they can be rendered using the provided GUI. To facilitate debugging, you can choose which elements are and are not displayed by using the "View" portion of the menu. Also note that you are not required to utilize the provided framework, but you are responsible for ensuring that all of the above information is displayed via some GUI.

Overview of the provided framework:
Citation: The provided code is derived from a similar assignment written by the Red Terror group (David Lariviere, Anita Verma, Aaron Roth, and Leo Gertsenshteyn) for CS4733 in Fall '05.